Petqua was founded by a man everybody calls Sam. Animals are Sam’s passion and he brings his energy and knowledge to the people who shop with him. When shopping at Petqua, you will come to realize that we are a lot like you. We like to get to know our customers and listen to you when you have something to say. With 20 years in the industry we can offer you the best products at competitive prices. We are committed to do all that we can to assist you and help you find items that will make life with your pet easier and more enjoyable. We will never sell you a product you don’t need.
By shopping with us, you can be assured that you will buy the right product the very first time. To assure the safety of your pets, our experienced team of experts screens hundreds of new items before we decide to include them in our inventory because we respect the fact that you come to us for advice and exceptional service. Our educated staff will suggest different products, share ideas and testing we have conducted in order to be able to help you best. And when we can’t help you we will refer you to another professional. With us, you always make the final decision. After all, it’s YOUR money and you should spend it the way you want to. We understand that you have a choice of pet stores and we are honored to have you in our family. Please be adviced that prices are subject to change without further notice. Thank you for shopping with us.
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